
  • access to internal and external mobility programs, with the recognition, according to the law, of the credits obtained in this way;
  • personal data protection;
  • transfer from one university to another, according to the provisions of the legislation in force and of the University Charter;
  • free (5-page minimum) course guide, in physical or electronic format, and access to all available teaching materials free of charge in university libraries or on the faculty site;
  • interruption and resumption of studies according to the University Charter and the legislation in force;
  • participation in the evaluation of courses, seminars, practical works, teaching staff and other educational and / or organizational aspects related to the study program followed according to the provisions of art. 303 par. (2) of Law no. 1/2011, as amended and supplemented.


  • fulfilling all the tasks according to the curriculum and the analytical programs of the disciplines;
  • respecting the Charter, regulations and decisions of the University;
  • respecting the copyrights of others and recognizing the paternity of the information presented in the papers elaborated;
  • avoiding the use of language and behavior inadequate to the university environment.


For more information regarding your rights and obligations, please follow www.ssfi.ro or  www.anosr.ro.